For those of you that are still not 100% onboard with the digital transformation that has fundamentally changed the way consumers use digital media, I wanted to list out some of the more eye-opening statistics that prove this is no-fad, but something that all businesses (including private clubs) must fully adopt and start implementing like… right friggin now.
Let’s kick this short read off with a graphic I came across the other day, which outlines some things that did not exist back in 2006…
These cold hard facts prove that digital and social should be a primary focus for any business that wants to connect with a younger demographic. Traditional Media ( T.V. ads, print, direct mail) are not only more expensive advertising methods, but they do not resonate with consumers the way digital does!
As the leader of a digital marketing agency, one thing I try to hammer home with our clients that are still not bought in is consumers attention is on social, it’s where they like to spend their time. All you have to do is take a look around you as it’s hard to go anywhere in public where people are not glued to their devices. ( Even the PGA Tour jumped on-board this year and started allowing fans use their mobile phones to capture content.)
As the leader of your golf focused organization, it’s your job to recognize these trends and adapt your strategy accordingly! Shift your communication strategy and start telling your clubs story where it matters… online!